What is Pantar Faciitis?
What is the Plantar Fascia?
The plantar fascia is a thick, fibrous band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot and supports the arch.
Your foot pain is not likely Plantar Fasciitis and you should see a doctor if:
- Your heel pain is due to an accident
- Your heel pain is accompanied by numbness and tingling
Hallmark Signs of Plantar Fasciitis:
- Arch of the foot or heel pain
- Pain that occurs especially first thing in the morning or with first steps after prolonged sitting
- Pain with walking barefoot
- Arch of foot pain with running (especially long distance running) participation
- Prolonged standing as part of your occupation/ regular routine
Tools to Help with Plantar Faciitis
If you want to try self-management, Click here for your FREE Exercise Tip Sheet.
If you have tried that and aren’t seeing results, it’s a good idea to consult with a doctor of physical therapy to make sure there isn’t a more serious problem. Below are some tools your therapist might bring to future sessions or recommend you purchase to help you manage your pain.